Sochi Olimpiyskiy pr. 5A-1
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SportMedClinic is the first private center of sports medicine and rehabilitation in Russia.

It was opened in the Academy of Martial Arts. SportMedClinic’s mission is to be the point of attraction for the professional and amateur athletes from different regions of Russia, who need the high qualified medical care, confidentiality and independent assessment of the state of health.

Advanced expert-class equipment, unique team of multidisciplinary specialists, innovative methods and professionalism provide:

  • Precision of the diagnostics
  • Conduction of rehabilitation actions of all types in the shortest terms
  • Confidentiality and independence of assessment of the professional and amateur athletes’ state of health
5 000+ м²
of medical infrastructure
units of medium and heavy
expert-class equipment
3 stories
equipped for rehabilitation of all ages
of the professional sportsmen
of all ages
specialists of narrow and wide
profile for diagnostics and treatment
of kids and adults
Sochi, Olimpiyskiy pr. 5A-1
Phone numbers
Call centre:
+7 (862) 444-0-333
For general enquiries: